Beautiful luxury handbags to fit every style and made of high-quality PU, patent, vegan and authentic leather.
All purses come with their own unique shoulder straps.
Doctor Style Bags: These measure 13” L x 10” H x 6” W (W Burgundy, W Cheetah print). Each come with a cute mini bag inside. Cheetah Print has a close top flap and Burgundy has a strap closure. See images for details.
Cheetah Tote: measures 18” L x 12” H x 6” W
Crocodile Purple & Black: measures 12” L x 10” H x 8” W ~ Comes with a coin purse.
Focus Baby: measures 12.5” L x 9.5” H x 7” W (Lavender, Red, Yellow & Black). All come with beautiful crossbody straps to match.
Focus Baby Tan: measures 16” L x 11” H x 10” W
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